| https://erddap.emso.eu/erddap/tabledap/E2M3A_CTD_meteo_CO2_pH_NRT
| https://erddap.emso.eu/erddap/tabledap/E2M3A_CTD_meteo_CO2_pH_NRT.graph
| E2M3A timeSeries ALL INSTRUMENTS, NRT in situ Observations
| E2M3A timeSeries ALL INSTRUMENTS, NRT in situ Observations\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth (m)\nCPWC (Includes all variants of chlorophyll expressed in terms of per unit volume, per unit area of any body of fresh or salt water, or as a relative colour index (e.g. PCI). Does not include data expressed per unit mass of SPM., Micrograms per litre)\nCPWC_QC (chlorophyll_concentration_in_sea_water quality flag)\nTUR4 (turbidity, Nephelometric Turbidity Units)\nTUR4_QC (turbidity quality flag)\nCDOM (Parts per billion)\nCDOM_QC (cdom quality flag)\nTEMP_1 (sea potential temperature, Degrees Celsius)\nTEMP_1_QC (sea potential temperature quality flag)\nWDIR (wind from direction relative true north, Degrees)\nWDIR_QC (wind from direction relative true north quality flag)\nWSPD (horizontal wind speed, Metres per second)\nWSPD_QC (horizontal wind speed quality flag)\nDRYT (air temperature in dry bulb, Degrees Celsius)\nDRYT_QC (air temperature in dry bulb quality flag)\nATMS (atmospheric pressure at sea level, Millibars)\nATMS_QC (atmospheric pressure at sea level quality flag)\nRELH (relative humidity, Percent)\nRELH_QC (relative humidity quality flag)\nHEAD (Parameters that describe the displacement of platforms or instruments in space relative to various origins, Degrees)\nHEAD_QC (The magnetically-corrected compass direction towards which a structure bearing sensors or sampling devices is pointing. quality flag)\nEWSB (wind speed, Metres per second)\nEWSB_QC (wind speed quality flag)\nGSPD (gust wind speed, Metres per second)\n... (47 more variables)\n
| https://erddap.emso.eu/erddap/metadata/fgdc/xml/E2M3A_CTD_meteo_CO2_pH_NRT_fgdc.xml
| https://erddap.emso.eu/erddap/metadata/iso19115/xml/E2M3A_CTD_meteo_CO2_pH_NRT_iso19115.xml
| https://erddap.emso.eu/erddap/info/E2M3A_CTD_meteo_CO2_pH_NRT/index.htmlTable
| https://nodc.ogs.it
| https://erddap.emso.eu/erddap/rss/E2M3A_CTD_meteo_CO2_pH_NRT.rss
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| National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics - OGS, Division of Oceanography
| E2M3A_CTD_meteo_CO2_pH_NRT