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griddap Subset tabledap Make A Graph wms files Title Summary FGDC ISO 19115 Info Background Info RSS Email Institution Dataset ID EMSO-LO Western Ligurian : BJS_Bathydock, ADCP sensor (NetCDF files from 2023-09-20 The European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water column Observatory (EMSO) is a research infrastructure distributed throughout Europe for seabed and water column observatories.  It aims to further explore the oceans, better understand the phenomena that occur on the seabed, and elucidate the critical role that these phenomena play in global Earth systems.  This observatory is based on observation sites (or nodes) that have been deployed in strategic locations in European seas, from the Arctic to the Atlantic, from the Mediterranean to the Black Sea.  There are currently eleven deep water nodes plus four shallow water test nodes.  EMSO Western Ligurian (EMSO-WL) is one of these permanent underwater observatories located in the Ligurian Sea and is deployed off Toulon, France. This region was chosen for its particular scientific interests such as: seismicity, topography, turbidity, biodiversity, water mass dynamics and organic matter flow.  This underwater observation network is located close by KM3NeT ( which has a modular topology designed to connect up to 120 neutrino detection units. Earth and Sea Science (ESS) instrumentation at the EMSO-WL station is based on two complementary components: an instrumented interface module (MII) and an autonomous instrumented line (ALBATROSS) as well as a junction box (BJS). The BathyFamily is a package of innovative multi-instrumented platforms to observe the deep sea. BathyBot is an Internet Operated Vehicle (IOV) deployed from a landing station (BathyDock), and close to BathyReef a 3D-printed biomimetic colonizer.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nPOSITION_QC (quality flag for position)\ndepth (depth of measurements, m)\nDEPH_QC (Profondeur quality flag)\ntime (time of measurements, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nTIME_QC (Time quality flag)\nHEAD (Heading, degrees)\nHead_QC (Heading quality code)\nPITCH (degrees)\nPitch_QC (Pitch quality code)\n... (26 more variables)\n (external link) MIO UMR 7294 CNRS / OSU Pytheas Emso_Western_Ligurian_Bathybot_ADCP_NetCDF_2023 Porcupine Abyssal Plain observatory timeseries data The Porcupine Abyssal Plain (PAP) Observatory is a sustained, multidisciplinary observatory coordinated  by the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton. Key time-series datasets include measurements of sea  temperature, air temperature, air pressure, waves, wind, CO2, salinity, geochemistry, humidity, chlorophyll,  nitrate, phosphate, PAR and currents. The PAP observatory is situated in the Northeast Atlantic away from  the continental slope and mid Atlantic ridge (49N,16.5W, depth 4800m). Since 1989, this environmental study site  in the Northeast Atlantic has become a major focus for international and interdisciplinary scientific  research and monitoring including water column biogeochemistry, physics and benthic biology.  Since 2002, moorings have been in place with sensors taking a diverse set of biogeochemical and  physical measurements. A diverse range of Essential Climate variables are measured and sampled at the PAP  site from the atmosphere and surface ocean to the seafloor. The combined monitoring data sets capture  short-term (daily-seasonal), longer-term trends (climate driven) and episodic events (e.g. spring bloom) and the  data contribute to the Europe-wide move toward good environmental status of our seas.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nSDN_CRUISE (CRUISE NAME)\ncrs\nSDN_EDMO_CODE (European Directory of Marine Organisations code for the CDI partner)\nSDN_STATION (Profile label)\nSDN_LOCAL_CDI_ID (SeaDataNet CDI identifier)\nSDN_BOT_DEPTH (Bathymetric depth at time series measurement site, meters)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nPOSITION_SEADATANET_QC (SeaDataNet quality flag)\ndepth (DepBelowSurf, m)\nDEPTH_SEADATANET_QC (SeaDataNet quality flag)\ntime (Chronological Julian Date, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nTIME_SEADATANET_QC (SeaDataNet quality flag)\nACYCAA01_SEADATANET_QC (SeaDataNet quality flag)\nACYCAA01 (Record_No, Dmnless)\n... (40 more variables)\n (external link) National Oceanography Centre (NOC) nocPapTimeseries_4req3azpg3c723wv

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