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Dataset Title:  W1M3A data (202407-......) Subscribe RSS
Institution:  Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche   (Dataset ID: W1M3A_deploy08)
Information:  Summary ? | License ? | FGDC | ISO 19115 | Metadata | Background (external link) | Data Access Form | Make a graph

Select a subset:      (Current number of distinct combinations of matching data: 517)
Make as many selections as you want, in any order. Each selection changes the other options (and the map and data below) accordingly.

    latitude ?  =  degrees_north   498 options
    longitude ?  =  degrees_east   511 options

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Map of Distinct Data ?   (Refine the map and/or download the image)
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Map of Distinct Data

Distinct Data Counts ?

To view the counts of distinct combinations of the variables listed above,
check View : Distinct Data Counts above and select a value for one of the variables above.


Distinct Data ?   (Metadata)    (Refine the data subset and/or download the data)  

latitude longitude
degrees_north degrees_east
41.82824 9.133018333
41.837435 9.119223333
42.838436667 8.10872
42.838436667 8.109386667
42.840203333 9.116535
43.822521667 9.093363333
43.82301 9.092263333
43.823055 9.121396667
43.823215 9.124811667
43.823273333 9.119748333
43.823395 9.120445
43.823763333 9.124598333
43.823801667 9.115086667
43.823858333 9.122805
43.82401 9.114205
43.82406 9.114956667
43.824651667 9.113431667
43.825443333 9.1125
43.82552 9.111283333
43.825693333 9.111188333
43.825778333 9.111396667
43.82634 9.112281667
43.826406667 9.110703333
43.82646 9.122333333
43.826491667 9.110898333
43.826505 9.110556667
43.826625 9.114048333
43.82664 9.111355
43.82672 9.11044
43.826901667 9.109815
43.827308333 9.118755
43.827526667 9.109505
43.827836667 9.109226667
43.82817 9.116173333
43.828276667 9.109958333
43.828291667 9.109611667
43.828703333 9.12812
43.828705 9.108253333
43.828756667 9.108745
43.828795 9.108175
43.82895 9.133398333
43.829125 9.108621667
43.829185 9.108333333
43.829278333 9.108888333
43.829416667 9.110816667
43.829448333 9.108086667
43.829495 9.111968333
43.829525 9.108311667
43.829583333 9.109321667
43.829611667 9.133263333
43.829725 9.108545
43.82984 9.108651667
43.829853333 9.133775
43.82999 9.108506667
43.830025 9.107635
43.830063333 9.107421667
43.830103333 9.130623333
43.830201667 9.111033333
43.830238333 9.125465
43.830266667 9.125056667
43.830266667 9.131271667
43.830353333 9.109653333
43.83046 9.125308333
43.830756667 9.12936
43.830848333 9.128255
43.830995 9.10732
43.83133 9.106996667
43.831425 9.107625
43.831428333 9.129453333
43.831438333 9.109773333
43.831503333 9.107028333
43.831725 9.107043333
43.831733333 9.132746667
43.831743333 9.109061667
43.83182 9.110656667
43.832021667 9.107381667
43.832066667 9.107165
43.832153333 9.129746667
43.832221667 9.107593333
43.832276667 9.110858333
43.832351667 9.107015
43.8325 9.131671667
43.832681667 9.107648333
43.832686667 9.107738333
43.832695 9.128295
43.832773333 9.107628333
43.832808333 9.107163333
43.832813333 9.106993333
43.83285 9.12097
43.832871667 9.107346667
43.83289 9.10979
43.832965 9.130958333
43.833043333 9.107151667
43.83321 9.107331667
43.833246667 9.107301667
43.833311667 9.107393333
43.833425 9.107316667
43.833473333 9.131166667
43.833505 9.108103333
43.833568333 9.132615
43.83365 9.109355
43.833676667 9.107833333
43.833693333 9.13323
43.833741667 9.109688333
43.833795 9.106798333
43.833805 9.107208333
43.833806667 9.13317
43.833878333 9.106708333
43.833946667 9.109068333
43.833973333 9.13144
43.833976667 9.13306
43.833988333 9.10689
43.834033333 9.106956667
43.834033333 9.131248333
43.834091667 9.132823333
43.834093333 9.133096667
43.834118333 9.132443333
43.834165 9.13094
43.834168333 9.107133333
43.834188333 9.132335
43.83426 9.120806667
43.834281667 9.130293333
43.834311667 9.132518333
43.834325 9.133125
43.834343333 9.132505
43.834355 9.107803333
43.834376667 9.131825
43.834411667 9.117368333
43.834418333 9.106876667
43.834471667 9.107086667
43.834516 9.118163
43.834528333 9.131566667
43.834585 9.107503333
43.834588333 9.110415
43.834675 9.107326667
43.834758333 9.107416667
43.834776667 9.10763
43.834933333 9.114013333
43.835001667 9.1075
43.835053333 9.129536667
43.83512 9.106713333
43.835145 9.125628333
43.835175 9.111471667
43.83523 9.105683333
43.83529 9.130846667
43.835331667 9.107018333
43.835401667 9.127595
43.835403333 9.130421667
43.835448333 9.129568333
43.83547 9.133143333
43.835526667 9.111128333
43.835583333 9.130083333
43.835616667 9.130795
43.835723333 9.108091667
43.835731667 9.108686667
43.835818333 9.107808333
43.835831667 9.132365
43.835873333 9.107621667
43.835916667 9.107878333
43.836026667 9.108775
43.836045 9.107856667
43.83606 9.109955
43.836081667 9.109723333
43.836198333 9.109893333
43.836273333 9.129935
43.836336667 9.108058333
43.836346667 9.110165
43.836501667 9.107858333
43.836523333 9.130525
43.836545 9.107615
43.836565 9.107936667
43.836576667 9.111006667
43.836693333 9.132465
43.836733333 9.110271667
43.836735 9.12996
43.836796667 9.11012
43.836881667 9.108238333
43.836881667 9.128166667
43.836911667 9.1086
43.836926667 9.128835
43.83695 9.111568333
43.836965 9.122505
43.836976667 9.10797
43.836978333 9.110416667
43.836988333 9.132485
43.837003333 9.111168333
43.837023333 9.131291667
43.837053333 9.1079
43.837066667 9.128365
43.837093333 9.1238
43.837173333 9.113055
43.837173333 9.127778333
43.83718 9.108028333
43.837201667 9.128938333
43.837246667 9.108538333
43.837283333 9.110006667
43.837296667 9.10964
43.837308333 9.108606667
43.837345 9.111323333
43.837366667 9.108253333
43.83738 9.10858
43.837381667 9.116596667
43.837383333 9.114156667
43.837423333 9.12404
43.83747 9.132538333
43.837485 9.10819
43.837495 9.127141667
43.837518333 9.129206667
43.837535 9.108848333
43.837536667 9.116136667
43.837578333 9.108866667
43.837613333 9.108016667
43.837645 9.12685
43.837691667 9.12471
43.837725 9.127495
43.83774 9.109273333
43.837745 9.129543333
43.837763333 9.13191
43.837766667 9.131238333
43.837841667 9.130378333
43.837845 9.109341667
43.837855 9.111776667
43.837866667 9.1104
43.837898333 9.122143333
43.837918333 9.113291667
43.837946667 9.108713333
43.83797 9.115375
43.837971667 9.110685
43.837986667 9.13307
43.838025 9.11331
43.838025 9.12947
43.838076667 9.10961
43.838123333 9.108668333
43.838131667 9.109291667
43.83815 9.108743333
43.838163333 9.110131667
43.838166667 9.109378333
43.838215 9.130411667
43.838216667 9.109268333
43.838251667 9.111
43.838265 9.109536667
43.838268333 9.110021667
43.83829 9.109595
43.838318333 9.10997
43.838326667 9.113585
43.838355 9.119728333
43.838436667 9.109553333
43.838448333 9.109406667
43.83845 9.109153333
43.838456667 9.110166667
43.838461667 9.121738333
43.838536667 9.109235
43.838633333 9.115396667
43.838695 9.110031667
43.838733333 9.113155
43.838766667 9.132238333
43.838776667 9.11171
43.83878 9.118718333
43.838796667 9.130465
43.838843333 9.110983333
43.838861667 9.130098333
43.838891667 9.110211667
43.838928333 9.132795
43.838948333 9.1125
43.838951667 9.111993333
43.838965 9.110933333
43.838986667 9.109558333
43.839003333 9.129931667
43.839005 9.111428333
43.839015 9.110121667
43.839045 9.120116667
43.83906 9.110066667
43.839068333 9.114598333
43.839098333 9.112543333
43.839103333 9.112526667
43.839128333 9.1099
43.839145 9.110083333
43.839145 9.116301667
43.839155 9.113443333
43.839158333 9.109986667
43.839176667 9.1327
43.839205 9.110598333
43.839206667 9.109771667
43.839218333 9.110595
43.839236667 9.111296667
43.839243333 9.114961667
43.839246667 9.123025
43.839263333 9.130441667
43.839266667 9.112553333
43.839308333 9.113771667
43.839308333 9.11544
43.839311667 9.109968333
43.839381667 9.110331667
43.83942 9.13015
43.839471667 9.112946667
43.839536667 9.126875
43.839556667 9.125293333
43.839611667 9.128485
43.839616667 9.11038
43.839631667 9.111366667
43.839635 9.112401667
43.839645 9.113688333
43.839655 9.111741667
43.839725 9.111998333
43.839731667 9.11325
43.839735 9.126105
43.83981 9.11245
43.839821667 9.111883333
43.839853333 9.110735
43.839865 9.113445
43.839866667 9.11167
43.839935 9.110608333
43.83995 9.112066667
43.839986667 9.124076667
43.840018333 9.131305
43.840026667 9.118268333
43.840038333 9.114743333
43.84004 9.11126
43.840045 9.118228333
43.840071667 9.110958333
43.84008 9.11174
43.84008 9.126955
43.840086667 9.113751667
43.840091667 9.111961667
43.840108333 9.112586667
43.840115 9.11203
43.840116667 9.11955
43.84015 9.115695
43.840155 9.111805
43.840155 9.119316667
43.840163333 9.113085
43.84024 9.111956667
43.840253333 9.120971667
43.840278333 9.111895
43.840353333 9.113938333
43.840381667 9.115015
43.840423333 9.11166
43.840426667 9.113718333
43.840471667 9.113115
43.840485 9.111798333
43.84053 9.115816667
43.840565 9.112463333
43.840583333 9.114623333
43.840613333 9.115608333
43.84062 9.113866667
43.84062 9.114223333
43.840633333 9.11166
43.840636667 9.130626667
43.840638333 9.111805
43.84065 9.115176667
43.840666667 9.114903333
43.840671667 9.121445
43.840686667 9.130055
43.840711667 9.112418333
43.840736667 9.112708333
43.840746667 9.112203333
43.84077 9.112755
43.840781667 9.112043333
43.8408 9.11166
43.8408 9.112393333
43.840838333 9.114191667
43.840851667 9.11354
43.840873333 9.114715
43.840896667 9.112035
43.840908333 9.116941667
43.840916667 9.117793333
43.84092 9.113786667
43.840925 9.112796667
43.840961667 9.114305
43.84102 9.113623333
43.841021667 9.120331667
43.841075 9.112886667
43.841078333 9.114603333
43.841078333 9.129586667
43.841083333 9.112608333
43.84109 9.11334
43.841128333 9.11383
43.841145 9.113641667
43.8412 9.113706667
43.841213333 9.114301667
43.841228333 9.114256667
43.84123 9.113043333
43.841241667 9.114245
43.841243333 9.116241667
43.841245 9.114438333
43.841248333 9.113628333
43.841263333 9.115026667
43.84128 9.123476667
43.841291667 9.11562
43.84131 9.114951667
43.841325 9.11443
43.841331667 9.114611667
43.841335 9.123495
43.841335 9.128903333
43.841338333 9.116711667
43.84134 9.114818333
43.841348333 9.114035
43.841371667 9.11565
43.841381667 9.113461667
43.841381667 9.113733333
43.84139 9.121531667
43.841393333 9.113128333
43.841425 9.113586667
43.841455 9.116996667
43.84149 9.128406667
43.84151 9.115365
43.841531667 9.11851
43.841531667 9.129033333
43.841536667 9.115058333
43.841553333 9.115845
43.841568333 9.11326
43.841573333 9.11579
43.841576667 9.1143
43.84159 9.113708333
43.841598333 9.115201667
43.841621667 9.114823333
43.841628333 9.113986667
43.841698333 9.123955
43.841741667 9.127368333
43.841745 9.113643333
43.841798333 9.119763333
43.841831667 9.12135
43.841833333 9.113955
43.841861667 9.115045
43.841873333 9.114648333
43.841918333 9.116331667
43.841948333 9.114633333
43.841955 9.11631
43.841966667 9.126055
43.841995 9.116435
43.842015 9.120705
43.84213 9.119281667
43.842178333 9.115353333
43.842201667 9.118365
43.84221 9.11676
43.842211667 9.116605
43.842215 9.117985
43.84222 9.115233333
43.842266667 9.116083333
43.84227 9.115361667
43.842288333 9.116696667
43.842291667 9.115681667
43.842306667 9.119528333
43.842333333 9.11572
43.842335 9.123328333
43.842338333 9.115115
43.842355 9.116391667
43.842356667 9.118331667
43.842373333 9.11768
43.842393333 9.11951
43.8424 9.116568333
43.842418333 9.119398333
43.84242 9.117726667
43.842463333 9.124265
43.842465 9.11786
43.84247 9.11713
43.842528333 9.117076667
43.842561667 9.124915
43.842586667 9.125046667
43.842588333 9.121193333
43.84259 9.117828333
43.8426 9.121873333
43.84262 9.11659
43.842635 9.118491667
43.84264 9.118438333
43.842651667 9.117185
43.842651667 9.11882
43.842658333 9.118231667
43.842693333 9.121448333
43.842706667 9.117836667
43.842715 9.118778333
43.84272 9.12109
43.842723333 9.117125
43.842728333 9.117441667
43.842731667 9.119981667
43.842748333 9.122145
43.84275 9.123158333
43.842763333 9.120005
43.842776667 9.124003333
43.842781667 9.119136667
43.842793333 9.118288333
43.842805 9.11757
43.842813333 9.11788
43.842815 9.119556667
43.842835 9.117783333
43.84285 9.117431667
43.842853333 9.11918
43.842888333 9.118138333
43.84289 9.119051667
43.8429 9.12452
43.842913333 9.12371
43.842915 9.119805
43.842925 9.12284
43.842931667 9.120078333
43.842931667 9.12131
43.842933333 9.122781667
43.842941667 9.121563333
43.842948333 9.12203
43.84298 9.119701667
43.84298 9.121365
43.842988333 9.124533333
43.842995 9.12234
43.843005 9.119521667
43.843013333 9.119748333
43.843026667 9.122625
43.843033333 9.120001667
43.843045 9.119175
43.843046667 9.118173333
43.843085 9.12018
43.843098333 9.117653333
43.843108333 9.119501667
43.843128333 9.122586667
43.843135 9.123808333
43.843155 9.121435
43.843175 9.122216667
43.843221667 9.122365
43.8433 9.119395

In total, there are 517 rows of distinct combinations of the variables listed above. All of the rows are shown above.
To change the maximum number of rows displayed, change View : Distinct Data above.

Related Data Counts ?

To view the related data counts,
check View : Related Data Counts above and select a value for one of the variables above.

WARNING: This may involve lots of data. For some datasets, this may be slow. Consider using this only when you need it and have selected a small subset of the data.

Related Data ?   (Metadata)    (Refine the data subset and/or download the data)

To view the related data, change View : Related Data above.

WARNING: This may involve lots of data. For some datasets, this may be slow. Consider using this only when you need it and have selected a small subset of the data.

ERDDAP, Version 2.18
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