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ERDDAP > info > EMSO_BlackSea_EUXRoOB01_2024

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The Dataset's Variables and Attributes

Row Type Variable Name Attribute Name Data Type Value
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_data_type String Point
attribute NC_GLOBAL Conventions String OceanSITES;EMSO, NCCSV-1.2
attribute NC_GLOBAL data_mode String D
attribute NC_GLOBAL data_type String OceanSITES time-series data
attribute NC_GLOBAL date_created String 2024-12-21T10:55:07Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL date_modified String 2024-12-21T10:55:07Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL Easternmost_Easting double 30.76472
attribute NC_GLOBAL emso_facility String Black Sea
attribute NC_GLOBAL featureType String Point
attribute NC_GLOBAL format_version String 1.4
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_max double 44.70611
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_min double 44.70611
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_units String degrees_north
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_max double 30.76472
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_min double 30.76472
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_units String degrees_east
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_max double 3.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_min double 3.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_positive String down
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_units String m
attribute NC_GLOBAL infoUrl String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL institution String National Institute of Marine Geology and Geoecology
attribute NC_GLOBAL institution_edmo_code String 850
attribute NC_GLOBAL institution_edmo_uri String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL keywords String CDIR, CNDC, CPWC, CSPD, DOXY, PRES, TEMP, TSED
attribute NC_GLOBAL keywords_vocabulary String SeaDataNet Parameter Discovery Vocabulary
attribute NC_GLOBAL license String CC-BY-4.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL license_uri String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL network String EMSO
attribute NC_GLOBAL Northernmost_Northing double 44.70611
attribute NC_GLOBAL principal_investigator String Vlad Radulescu
attribute NC_GLOBAL principal_investigator_email String vladr at
attribute NC_GLOBAL site_code String BS
attribute NC_GLOBAL source String Black Sea - EUXRoOB01
attribute NC_GLOBAL sourceUrl String (local files)
attribute NC_GLOBAL Southernmost_Northing double 44.70611
attribute NC_GLOBAL standard_name_vocabulary String CF Standard Name Table v70
attribute NC_GLOBAL subsetVariables String latitude_QC, longitude_QC, depth_QC
attribute NC_GLOBAL summary String Data acquired by EUXRoOB01 (Black Sea offshore buoy) in 2024
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_end String 2024-12-21T10:00:00Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_start String 2024-02-05T12:00:00Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL title String EUXRoOB01 DATA - 2024
attribute NC_GLOBAL update_interval String void
attribute NC_GLOBAL Westernmost_Easting double 30.76472
variable time   double  
attribute time _ChunkSizes uint 3859
attribute time _CoordinateAxisType String Time
attribute time actual_range double 1.7071344E9, 1.7347752E9
attribute time axis String T
attribute time ioos_category String Time
attribute time long_name String time of measurements
attribute time sdn_parameter_name String The time that has elapsed between 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z (sometimes referred to as C-zero) and the timestamped event.
attribute time sdn_parameter_uri String (external link)
attribute time sdn_parameter_urn String SDN:P01::ELTMEP01
attribute time sdn_uom_name String Seconds
attribute time sdn_uom_uri String (external link)
attribute time sdn_uom_urn String SDN:P06::UTBB
attribute time standard_name String time
attribute time time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute time time_precision String 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
attribute time units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable latitude   float  
attribute latitude _ChunkSizes uint 1
attribute latitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lat
attribute latitude _FillValue float -999999.0
attribute latitude actual_range float 44.706112, 44.706112
attribute latitude ancillary_variables String LATITUDE_QC
attribute latitude axis String Y
attribute latitude ioos_category String Location
attribute latitude long_name String latitude of measurements
attribute latitude sdn_parameter_name String Unavailable
attribute latitude sdn_parameter_uri String (external link)
attribute latitude sdn_parameter_urn String SDN:P01::ALATZZ01
attribute latitude sdn_uom_name String Degrees
attribute latitude sdn_uom_uri String (external link)
attribute latitude sdn_uom_urn String SDN:P06::UAAA
attribute latitude standard_name String latitude
attribute latitude units String degrees_north
variable longitude   float  
attribute longitude _ChunkSizes uint 1
attribute longitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lon
attribute longitude _FillValue float -999999.0
attribute longitude actual_range float 30.764723, 30.764723
attribute longitude ancillary_variables String LONGITUDE_QC
attribute longitude axis String X
attribute longitude ioos_category String Location
attribute longitude long_name String longitude of measurements
attribute longitude sdn_parameter_name String Unavailable
attribute longitude sdn_parameter_uri String (external link)
attribute longitude sdn_parameter_urn String SDN:P01::ALONZZ01
attribute longitude sdn_uom_name String Degrees
attribute longitude sdn_uom_uri String (external link)
attribute longitude sdn_uom_urn String SDN:P06::UAAA
attribute longitude standard_name String longitude
attribute longitude units String degrees_east
variable depth   float  
attribute depth _ChunkSizes uint 1
attribute depth _CoordinateAxisType String Height
attribute depth _CoordinateZisPositive String down
attribute depth _FillValue float -999999.0
attribute depth actual_range float 3.0, 3.0
attribute depth ancillary_variables String DEPTH_QC
attribute depth axis String Z
attribute depth ioos_category String Location
attribute depth long_name String depth of measurements
attribute depth positive String down
attribute depth sdn_parameter_name String The distance of a sensor or sampling point below the sea surface
attribute depth sdn_parameter_uri String (external link)
attribute depth sdn_parameter_urn String SDN:P01::ADEPZZ01
attribute depth sdn_uom_name String Metres
attribute depth sdn_uom_uri String (external link)
attribute depth sdn_uom_urn String SDN:P06::ULAA
attribute depth standard_name String depth
attribute depth units String m
variable CPWC   float  
attribute CPWC _ChunkSizes uint 1, 1, 1, 3859
attribute CPWC _FillValue float -999999.0
attribute CPWC actual_range float 0.0, 39.82
attribute CPWC coordinates String LATITUDE;LONGITUDE;DEPTH;TIME
attribute CPWC long_name String EUXRoOB01 Chlorophyll Concentration
attribute CPWC sdn_parameter_name String In-situ fluorometer with either manufacturer, laboratory or sample calibration applied.
attribute CPWC sdn_parameter_uri String (external link)
attribute CPWC sdn_parameter_urn String SDN:P01::CPHLPR01
attribute CPWC sdn_uom_name String Micrograms per litre
attribute CPWC sdn_uom_uri String (external link)
attribute CPWC sdn_uom_urn String SDN:P06::UGPL
attribute CPWC sensor_manufacturer String RBR
attribute CPWC sensor_manufacturer_uri String (external link)
attribute CPWC sensor_manufacturer_urn String SDN:L35::MAN0049
attribute CPWC sensor_model String RBR Coda T.ODO Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Sensor
attribute CPWC sensor_mount String mounted_on_surface_buoy
attribute CPWC sensor_orientation String horizontal
attribute CPWC sensor_reference String (external link)
attribute CPWC sensor_SeaVoX_L22_code String SDN:L22::TOOL1717
attribute CPWC sensor_serial_number String EUXRoOB01
attribute CPWC standard_name String chlorophyll_concentration_in_sea_water
attribute CPWC units String Micrograms per litre
variable DOXY   float  
attribute DOXY _ChunkSizes uint 1, 1, 1, 3859
attribute DOXY _FillValue float -999999.0
attribute DOXY actual_range float 0.0, 381.9
attribute DOXY coordinates String LATITUDE;LONGITUDE;DEPTH;TIME
attribute DOXY long_name String EUXRoOB01 Oxygen Concentration
attribute DOXY sdn_parameter_name String Concentration of dissolved oxygen per unit volume of the water column. Oxygen may be expressed in terms of mass, volume or quantity of substance.
attribute DOXY sdn_parameter_uri String (external link)
attribute DOXY sdn_parameter_urn String SDN:P01::DOXYZZXX
attribute DOXY sdn_uom_name String Micromoles per litre
attribute DOXY sdn_uom_uri String (external link)
attribute DOXY sdn_uom_urn String SDN:P06::UPOX
attribute DOXY sensor_manufacturer String RBR
attribute DOXY sensor_manufacturer_uri String (external link)
attribute DOXY sensor_manufacturer_urn String SDN:L35::MAN0049
attribute DOXY sensor_model String RBR Coda T.ODO Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Sensor
attribute DOXY sensor_mount String mounted_on_surface_buoy
attribute DOXY sensor_orientation String horizontal
attribute DOXY sensor_reference String (external link)
attribute DOXY sensor_SeaVoX_L22_code String SDN:L22::TOOL1717
attribute DOXY sensor_serial_number String EUXRoOB01
attribute DOXY standard_name String mole_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water
attribute DOXY units String Micromoles per litre
variable TSED   float  
attribute TSED _ChunkSizes uint 1, 1, 1, 3859
attribute TSED _FillValue float -999999.0
attribute TSED actual_range float 0.0, 131.7
attribute TSED coordinates String LATITUDE;LONGITUDE;DEPTH;TIME
attribute TSED long_name String EUXRoOB01 Water Turbidity
attribute TSED sdn_parameter_name String Estimate of suspended sediment concentration based on the proportion of a light transmission in the water column that is reflected back to a co-located receiver.
attribute TSED sdn_parameter_uri String (external link)
attribute TSED sdn_parameter_urn String SDN:P01::TURBXXXX
attribute TSED sdn_uom_name String Nephelometric Turbidity Units
attribute TSED sdn_uom_uri String (external link)
attribute TSED sdn_uom_urn String SDN:P06::USTU
attribute TSED sensor_manufacturer String RBR
attribute TSED sensor_manufacturer_uri String (external link)
attribute TSED sensor_manufacturer_urn String SDN:L35::MAN0049
attribute TSED sensor_model String RBR Coda T.ODO Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Sensor
attribute TSED sensor_mount String mounted_on_surface_buoy
attribute TSED sensor_orientation String horizontal
attribute TSED sensor_reference String (external link)
attribute TSED sensor_SeaVoX_L22_code String SDN:L22::TOOL1717
attribute TSED sensor_serial_number String EUXRoOB01
attribute TSED standard_name String sea_water_turbidity
attribute TSED units String Nephelometric Turbidity Units
variable CNDC   float  
attribute CNDC _ChunkSizes uint 1, 1, 1, 3859
attribute CNDC _FillValue float -999999.0
attribute CNDC actual_range float 0.0, 100.0
attribute CNDC coordinates String LATITUDE;LONGITUDE;DEPTH;TIME
attribute CNDC long_name String EUXRoOB01 Water Conductivity
attribute CNDC sdn_parameter_name String This is the preferred term for this definition. Alternative codes (PCONCS01 and PCONZZ01) are undesired duplicates from BODC history and should not be used.
attribute CNDC sdn_parameter_uri String (external link)
attribute CNDC sdn_parameter_urn String SDN:P01::CNDCZZ01
attribute CNDC sdn_uom_name String MilliSiemens per centimetre
attribute CNDC sdn_uom_uri String (external link)
attribute CNDC sdn_uom_urn String SDN:P06::MSCM
attribute CNDC sensor_manufacturer String RBR
attribute CNDC sensor_manufacturer_uri String (external link)
attribute CNDC sensor_manufacturer_urn String SDN:L35::MAN0049
attribute CNDC sensor_model String RBR Coda T.ODO Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Sensor
attribute CNDC sensor_mount String mounted_on_surface_buoy
attribute CNDC sensor_orientation String horizontal
attribute CNDC sensor_reference String (external link)
attribute CNDC sensor_SeaVoX_L22_code String SDN:L22::TOOL1717
attribute CNDC sensor_serial_number String EUXRoOB01
attribute CNDC standard_name String sea_water_electrical_conductivity
attribute CNDC units String MilliSiemens per centimetre
variable CSPD   float  
attribute CSPD _ChunkSizes uint 1, 1, 1, 3859
attribute CSPD _FillValue float -999999.0
attribute CSPD actual_range float 0.0, 0.914
attribute CSPD coordinates String LATITUDE;LONGITUDE;DEPTH;TIME
attribute CSPD long_name String EUXRoOB01 Water Current Speed
attribute CSPD sdn_parameter_name String Unavailable
attribute CSPD sdn_parameter_uri String (external link)
attribute CSPD sdn_parameter_urn String SDN:P01::LCSAAP01
attribute CSPD sdn_uom_name String Metres per second
attribute CSPD sdn_uom_uri String (external link)
attribute CSPD sdn_uom_urn String SDN:P06::UVAA
attribute CSPD sensor_manufacturer String RBR
attribute CSPD sensor_manufacturer_uri String (external link)
attribute CSPD sensor_manufacturer_urn String SDN:L35::MAN0049
attribute CSPD sensor_model String RBR Coda T.ODO Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Sensor
attribute CSPD sensor_mount String mounted_on_surface_buoy
attribute CSPD sensor_orientation String horizontal
attribute CSPD sensor_reference String (external link)
attribute CSPD sensor_SeaVoX_L22_code String SDN:L22::TOOL1717
attribute CSPD sensor_serial_number String EUXRoOB01
attribute CSPD standard_name String sea_water_speed
attribute CSPD units String Metres per second
variable CDIR   float  
attribute CDIR _ChunkSizes uint 1, 1, 1, 3859
attribute CDIR _FillValue float -999999.0
attribute CDIR actual_range float 0.0, 359.7
attribute CDIR coordinates String LATITUDE;LONGITUDE;DEPTH;TIME
attribute CDIR long_name String EUXRoOB01 Water Current Direction
attribute CDIR sdn_parameter_name String Unavailable
attribute CDIR sdn_parameter_uri String (external link)
attribute CDIR sdn_parameter_urn String SDN:P01::LCDAAP01
attribute CDIR sdn_uom_name String Degrees
attribute CDIR sdn_uom_uri String (external link)
attribute CDIR sdn_uom_urn String SDN:P06::UAAA
attribute CDIR sensor_manufacturer String RBR
attribute CDIR sensor_manufacturer_uri String (external link)
attribute CDIR sensor_manufacturer_urn String SDN:L35::MAN0049
attribute CDIR sensor_model String RBR Coda T.ODO Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Sensor
attribute CDIR sensor_mount String mounted_on_surface_buoy
attribute CDIR sensor_orientation String horizontal
attribute CDIR sensor_reference String (external link)
attribute CDIR sensor_SeaVoX_L22_code String SDN:L22::TOOL1717
attribute CDIR sensor_serial_number String EUXRoOB01
attribute CDIR standard_name String sea_water_velocity_to_direction
attribute CDIR units String Degrees
variable TEMP   float  
attribute TEMP _ChunkSizes uint 1, 1, 1, 3859
attribute TEMP _FillValue float -999999.0
attribute TEMP actual_range float -5.0, 29.1972
attribute TEMP coordinates String LATITUDE;LONGITUDE;DEPTH;TIME
attribute TEMP long_name String EUXRoOB01 Water Temperature
attribute TEMP sdn_parameter_name String The degree of hotness of the water column expressed against a standard scale. Includes both IPTS-68 and ITS-90 scales.
attribute TEMP sdn_parameter_uri String (external link)
attribute TEMP sdn_parameter_urn String SDN:P01::TEMPPR01
attribute TEMP sdn_uom_name String Degrees Celsius
attribute TEMP sdn_uom_uri String (external link)
attribute TEMP sdn_uom_urn String SDN:P06::UPAA
attribute TEMP sensor_manufacturer String RBR
attribute TEMP sensor_manufacturer_uri String (external link)
attribute TEMP sensor_manufacturer_urn String SDN:L35::MAN0049
attribute TEMP sensor_model String RBR Coda T.ODO Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Sensor
attribute TEMP sensor_mount String mounted_on_surface_buoy
attribute TEMP sensor_orientation String horizontal
attribute TEMP sensor_reference String (external link)
attribute TEMP sensor_SeaVoX_L22_code String SDN:L22::TOOL1717
attribute TEMP sensor_serial_number String EUXRoOB01
attribute TEMP standard_name String sea_water_temperature
attribute TEMP units String Degrees Celsius
variable PRES   float  
attribute PRES _ChunkSizes uint 1, 1, 1, 3859
attribute PRES _FillValue float -999999.0
attribute PRES actual_range float 0.0, 2.5024
attribute PRES coordinates String LATITUDE;LONGITUDE;DEPTH;TIME
attribute PRES long_name String EUXRoOB01 Water Pressure
attribute PRES sdn_parameter_name String The force per unit area exerted by the water column on a mobile sensor located in the water column.
attribute PRES sdn_parameter_uri String (external link)
attribute PRES sdn_parameter_urn String SDN:P01::PRESPR01
attribute PRES sdn_uom_name String Decibars
attribute PRES sdn_uom_uri String (external link)
attribute PRES sdn_uom_urn String SDN:P06::UPDB
attribute PRES sensor_manufacturer String RBR
attribute PRES sensor_manufacturer_uri String (external link)
attribute PRES sensor_manufacturer_urn String SDN:L35::MAN0049
attribute PRES sensor_model String RBR Coda T.ODO Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Sensor
attribute PRES sensor_mount String mounted_on_surface_buoy
attribute PRES sensor_orientation String horizontal
attribute PRES sensor_reference String (external link)
attribute PRES sensor_SeaVoX_L22_code String SDN:L22::TOOL1717
attribute PRES sensor_serial_number String EUXRoOB01
attribute PRES standard_name String sea_water_pressure
attribute PRES units String Decibars
variable latitude_QC   byte  
attribute latitude_QC _ChunkSizes uint 1, 1, 1, 3859
attribute latitude_QC _FillValue byte 127
attribute latitude_QC actual_range byte 7, 7
attribute latitude_QC conventions String OceanSITES QC Flags
attribute latitude_QC flag_meanings String unknown;good_data;probably_good_data;potentially_correctable_bad_data;bad_data;nominal_value;interpolated_value;missing_value
attribute latitude_QC flag_values String 0;1;2;3;4;7;8;9
attribute latitude_QC long_name String latitude of measurements quality control flags
variable longitude_QC   byte  
attribute longitude_QC _ChunkSizes uint 1, 1, 1, 3859
attribute longitude_QC _FillValue byte 127
attribute longitude_QC actual_range byte 7, 7
attribute longitude_QC conventions String OceanSITES QC Flags
attribute longitude_QC flag_meanings String unknown;good_data;probably_good_data;potentially_correctable_bad_data;bad_data;nominal_value;interpolated_value;missing_value
attribute longitude_QC flag_values String 0;1;2;3;4;7;8;9
attribute longitude_QC long_name String longitude of measurements quality control flags
variable depth_QC   byte  
attribute depth_QC _ChunkSizes uint 1, 1, 1, 3859
attribute depth_QC _FillValue byte 127
attribute depth_QC actual_range byte 7, 7
attribute depth_QC conventions String OceanSITES QC Flags
attribute depth_QC flag_meanings String unknown;good_data;probably_good_data;potentially_correctable_bad_data;bad_data;nominal_value;interpolated_value;missing_value
attribute depth_QC flag_values String 0;1;2;3;4;7;8;9
attribute depth_QC long_name String depth of measurements quality control flags

The information in the table above is also available in other file formats (.csv, .htmlTable, .itx, .json, .jsonlCSV1, .jsonlCSV, .jsonlKVP, .mat, .nc, .nccsv, .tsv, .xhtml) via a RESTful web service.

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